Mintbase launches on NEAR Spearheading Purposeful NFTs
The next evolution of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) is here and ready to drive the creator economy to the next level. Mintbase just launched on NEAR protocol after building nonstop since last August, when NFT minting on Ethereum became too expensive.
With affordable tokenization of NFTs on a climate neutral blockchain, creators can now experience purposeful NFTs. “At Mintbase, we believe that the purpose of a NFTs derives from collaboration and utility” added Mintbase’s founder Nate Geier. Thus, creators can collaborate as Mintbase allows anyone to easily split both the one time revenue and royalties of a NFT between up to 40 people. NFT creators only need to define who gets what percentage and the smart contract will handle the rest on purchase. Together with NEAR, Mintbase defined the new token standard NEP-171 where royalties are engraved in the token. This means that royalties can be earned across different platforms.
Mintbase is also rolling out a silent auction feature enabling users to outbid each other on chain. To package it all up, MintbaseJS is ready to go that allows any developer to easily mint, purchase, sell, and transfer NFTs whilst using Mintbase’s own indexer node, the MintGraph. Businesses are now able to deploy their own NFT marketplaces by using Mintbase’s JS library.
On NEAR, minting NFTs is low which allows NFTs to be traded and swapped in real life events. As such, Mintbase is collaborating with the German festival Wilde Moehre on an immersive hybrid NFT festival Wildeverse. Artists and festival goers can build their own economies and sell NFTs on the Wildeverse NFT store that can be redeemed at the festival. Launch partners include Realorrin and South Pole, a company fighting against climate change offsetting CO2 through the 400 projects they support.